Wednesday, 2 March 2011

A video by yogscast viewing the new heroic dungeons in 4.1
Zul'gurub is back!! If you have played world of warcraft you will know of this raid instance or even remember raiding it. What do you think of it coming back? Is blizz being lazy? Or is it awesome some old content has made a come back?


  1. Im very glad it came back.

  2. I think it's a great idea.. otherwise old content would just become obsolete and forgotten.

  3. Pisses me off.. I played back in Vanilla WoW, even a little in BC and up until WotLK launched and played to max on there too before I gave up. I steadily grew to hate the game after they launched BC. The upper end level 60 raids were where it was at! I never had fun in the smaller raids! BWL, Naxx... They've ruined the game in my opinion!

    Following and supporting

    Garage Zoku

  4. Why not? Fans must be pleased!
    I'm following and supporting you, too!
    Some info about your character?

  5. Im not a fan of wow, but saying that, old content in any game is sometimes a good thing.

  6. that was an awesome instance!

  7. Never really liked Zul'Gurub that much. The Onyxia renovation on the other hand was pretty fun imo. A little bit too easy maybe.

  8. I actually really like this game, its awesome!

  9. Not sure how I feel about 4.1. Being a mage, I guess I don't have much to complain about, hehe.
    Sweet post, following!

  10. I do remember that!
    But I stopped playing WoW a while ago, so I don't mind.

  11. =( i quit playing last month, need to work on school

  12. One of my favorite instances!

  13. Can't wait to get ahold of that game!!

  14. That UI is surprisingly clean. I can't believe what some of the "hardcore" crowd fill their screens with.

  15. I really hope they changed the models for some of the items.
